Script, Direction, Art Direction, Costume Design, Acting, Production, Editing in short film resultant from my BA thesis at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

Stills by Max Goldman.
HOLE emerges through a crack, a fissure in space-time that happens by navigating through the intersections of thoughts, through the corners of memories, between the paths of childhood. A window opens here into a magical universe, where fantastic beings dance, driven by the rhythms of desire.
The first sketch for this film was made when my father decided to sell the ranch where I spent my entire childhood. I started to go through the photographs and drawings from that time, in order to keep my memories as a child alive. As I looked at these visual archives and analyzed the symbols in them, I transported myself to that place that for me was a parallel world, where I explored secret passages in which fantastic hybrid creatures [partly people, animal, water, earth, fire, air] lived.

During the process of writing the thesis, I noticed I was interested in love and desire, thinking about the affections built from my childhood until today. To visualize the characters and their costumes, I made collages on personal images and artists’ works* that touched on these themes. The collages turned into drawings that turned into material experiments that turned into costumes.
Images from artists used as reference [from left to right]: 01, 02, 03 Francesca Woodman; 04 Carlota Guerrero; 05 Sevdaliza

First storyboard.
