Creative Direction, Editing for digital fashion show for the Brazil Immersive Fashion Week. I developed this work together with a group of students from PUC-Rio. We received the Horizon Latin.x Award, open to students from all Latin America.
Collective Alexandra Marinho, Aron Moraes, Bia Stumbo, Flora Collares, Julia Roliz, Maurílio Marçal e Tadeu Vital Mentoring Luiza Marcier, João Bonelli

The collective sees the hybrid as a tool that mobilizes people, pulsates affections and incites the thought about other possible worlds. To project futures, we need to observe the present, in which the borders between real and virtual are blurred, and the in-between places are multiplied. ROTA deals with interludes, intervals. ROTA is metalanguage: the medium as the creation itself. It’s an experience of attributing transparency to the process of a collection development. ROTA is immersion: an invitation to dive into the comings and goings of the making.