Nuvem [Cloud]
Concept & Creative Direction [Shooting], Editing [Photos] and Visual Communication [Cover Design and Visual Communication] for the music album “Rafa Pinta e a Nuvem”.
Band Rafa Pinta, Thom Verardi, Dani Peixoto, Beno Ibeas Photography Dex Magalhães Hair & make-up Cora Marinho, Production Lara Pazini Production assistant Mariana Milani Making of Vida Fodona
Album cover designed by me.
The album presents a multitude in its construction: of rythms, of cadences, of senses. The project’s goal was the will of materializing this ‘cloud’ in images. The singer is a variety of beings in just one. She’s just like this cloud: a gathering of things. She transforms herself, changes her body in constant movement. The direction’s objective was to create a form of visualizing the different cycles of a metamorphic Rafa, a women partly beast, partly goddess, a hybrid that builds her identity.
For the project, a photoshoot was conducted, from which I created the album cover and all promotional graphic materials. I designed animated Canvas and Visualizers for YouTube and Spotify platforms to accompany the songs rhythm. The artworks were designed through a blend of illustrations and photographs.